Originally published in the Kent Patch on August 6th, 2012.
An out-of-state friend of mine interrupted my blissful ignorance today by posting first day of school photos for her kids. Yes, Kent schools don't start back up until later this month, but time in the summer seems to run considerably faster than any other time of the year, so this little head's up from my more organized and early-returning acquaintances is great. This year is especially big in our house because my son starts first grade and a new school, on top of having recently had a major hair cut and his teeth are dropping like flies (seriously, I think the kid is going to need dentures while waiting on adult teeth). What on Earth happened to the little ball of orange fuzz I cuddled, and who is 4 1/2 foot triathlete in the house?
Once the panic settled down this morning, it was nice to remember all that we've had a chance to do since the end of school, and you know what? It's been a pretty good summer. Time riding bikes, hiking the local trails, reading together, going to see friends and family, camping, cook outs, music, and much more. Hopefully, this has been the case for anyone reading this, too. I think everyone has their favorite or preferred season, and summer might be mine. With all the fun that there is to be had, it's definitely a contender. Yes, there's stress associated with different or absent schedules and upsets to routines, and childcare is something to think about, but there are so many great ways to spend time when it's warm, that it's easy to get over the little inconveniences.
I'll be honest, all the fun things to do over summer do make it difficult to get done everything that I would like to when the weather is warm and skies are clear. Projects that I'd like to get done around the house aren't nearly as interesting as a bike ride or a swim, and cleaning- usually a Saturday morning job- tends not to get done when you're traveling on weekends. These little details are why any garden I plant in the spring typically fail by the Fourth of July. They also contribute to my back-to-school panic, which is not entirely sentimental. I have done better this year than other years, but I still have projects that need done before too long. Once again, my weekends will be busy this August, and probably into September, and I'm OK with that. The messy house, the untended garden, the not-quite-finished projects are almost a sort of badge of honor. I've been able to set aside time to have fun and enjoy myself and my family and friends, and that's a good thing. Sure it causes some stress also, but those projects can wait, my little boy won't be little much longer. And I'm sure plenty of that summertime fun will creep into the early fall as well, and might include a trip to Cedar Point, a first for my young giant.
So, what have you done this summer? Did you get everything done you wanted? Are you getting ready for school?
An out-of-state friend of mine interrupted my blissful ignorance today by posting first day of school photos for her kids. Yes, Kent schools don't start back up until later this month, but time in the summer seems to run considerably faster than any other time of the year, so this little head's up from my more organized and early-returning acquaintances is great. This year is especially big in our house because my son starts first grade and a new school, on top of having recently had a major hair cut and his teeth are dropping like flies (seriously, I think the kid is going to need dentures while waiting on adult teeth). What on Earth happened to the little ball of orange fuzz I cuddled, and who is 4 1/2 foot triathlete in the house?
Once the panic settled down this morning, it was nice to remember all that we've had a chance to do since the end of school, and you know what? It's been a pretty good summer. Time riding bikes, hiking the local trails, reading together, going to see friends and family, camping, cook outs, music, and much more. Hopefully, this has been the case for anyone reading this, too. I think everyone has their favorite or preferred season, and summer might be mine. With all the fun that there is to be had, it's definitely a contender. Yes, there's stress associated with different or absent schedules and upsets to routines, and childcare is something to think about, but there are so many great ways to spend time when it's warm, that it's easy to get over the little inconveniences.
I'll be honest, all the fun things to do over summer do make it difficult to get done everything that I would like to when the weather is warm and skies are clear. Projects that I'd like to get done around the house aren't nearly as interesting as a bike ride or a swim, and cleaning- usually a Saturday morning job- tends not to get done when you're traveling on weekends. These little details are why any garden I plant in the spring typically fail by the Fourth of July. They also contribute to my back-to-school panic, which is not entirely sentimental. I have done better this year than other years, but I still have projects that need done before too long. Once again, my weekends will be busy this August, and probably into September, and I'm OK with that. The messy house, the untended garden, the not-quite-finished projects are almost a sort of badge of honor. I've been able to set aside time to have fun and enjoy myself and my family and friends, and that's a good thing. Sure it causes some stress also, but those projects can wait, my little boy won't be little much longer. And I'm sure plenty of that summertime fun will creep into the early fall as well, and might include a trip to Cedar Point, a first for my young giant.
So, what have you done this summer? Did you get everything done you wanted? Are you getting ready for school?